Multiple elements will determine the rates an insurance company will offer for your auto insurance. One of the primary aspects is your driving record. While you might attend the best driving school, this is no guarantee that you will maintain a clean driving record.
Most states will have points for the tracking of their drivers’ records. The states will assign different demerit points to your driving license based on your traffic violation. Your license can be revoked, suspended or restricted, depending on the accrued points.
You can, however, attend a traffic survival school based in Arizona and take a defensive driving course to cut the points on your license. The reduced points will, in turn, decrease the rates an auto insurer offers.
This course will essentially arm you with safe driving skills and enable you to respond to hazards appropriately. Here are the elements of your defensive driving course.
Psychological Factors
You will have to deal with various psychological elements that will affect your driving from time to time. While some are beyond your control, you can control most of these aspects if you recognize their signs and the best way to handle them.
In defensive driving, you will be taught how to overcome psychological factors like fatigue, road rage, emotional distress, and stress.
Human Factors
The primary human element responsible for most of the points on driving licenses is the use of drugs and alcohol. The effects of a DUI are varied depending on a person, but they are all disastrous. Defensive driving courses center on the impact of drugs and alcohol on road safety.
Some of the topics in human factors include the allowed BAC, and the effects of drugs and alcohol on your motor skills, senses, and judgment.
Crash Dynamics
Most car crashes are preventable provided you can change some of the elements contributing to them. Your speed, the size of the object, and place of impact are some of the aspects that will determine the severity of your accident.
In your defensive driving course, the elements of a crash and how to limit or avoid the impact of the accident will be addressed.
Safety Equipment
More than half of the fatalities in car accidents can be avoided with the right safety equipment. These include safety belts, child safety belts, headrests, and airbags. These are designed to reduce the impact of your crash should it happen.
In a defensive driving course, the basics on the proper use of these safety devices are covered to boost your driving safety.
State Traffic Laws
These are generally covered in states that require drivers to take a defensive driving course after a traffic violation. Relearning the traffic laws of your state will transform you into a careful driver. Moreover, this allows you to know what constitutes a traffic violation and defend yourself if need be.
Most people have given up on driving together with the high insurance premiums after a traffic violation that adds demerit points to their driving record. With a defensive driving course from the right school, you can earn points to clean your driving record. This should thus be your first stop when faced with a traffic violation.