Understanding Commercial Cleaning Terms in an Easy Way

Understanding Commercial Cleaning Terms in an Easy Way

Commercial cleaning can be a daunting task. Owners are often unfamiliar with the different types of cleaning available to them. Knowing where to start between the various products and methods can be challenging. Don’t worry; this blog post will explain six standard commercial cleaning terms to ensure you get the needed services.

Carpet Bonneting

Carpet bonneting is a popular commercial cleaning method that involves using a particular machine to clean the carpets. The machine has a rotating brush that agitates the carpet fibers and lifts dirt and debris.

An absorbent pad absorbs the dirt and debris. This method effectively cleans high-traffic areas and can be used on all types of carpets.

However, it is important to note that carpet bonneting should not be used on delicate carpets, as the brush can damage the fibers. Additionally, before using the carpets again, they need to be dried, as carpet bonneting can leave the carpets wet.

Stripping and Waxing

Stripping and waxing is a two-step process to clean and protect hard surface floors. First, any existing wax or sealant is removed from the floor. This step is crucial because it allows the new wax or sealant to adhere correctly to the floor. Next, a new layer of wax or sealant is applied to the floor. This provides a protective barrier that helps to resist dirt, dust, and water.

High-traffic areas like hallways and lobbies often use stripping and waxing. It is also a good option for businesses looking for a long-lasting, durable floor finish. It is recommended to hire a professional company offering cleaning services to strip and wax your floors, as it is a time-consuming process. The company will also have the necessary equipment and supplies to do the job correctly, such as floor buffers and polishers.

Pressure Washing

Pressure washing is a popular commercial cleaning method that uses high-pressure water to remove dirt, grime, and other surface build-ups. This cleaning is often used on hard surfaces like concrete, stone, and metal.

Pressure washing can also be used on softer materials like vinyl siding and asphalt shingles. Pressure washing is an effective way to clean a variety of different types of surfaces.

However, it is essential to use the correct pressure setting for cleaning the material. Too much pressure can damage some surfaces, so it is important to know what you are doing before you begin pressure washing.


Decontamination is the process of removing contaminants from surfaces or objects. This can be done through physical means, such as cleaning or scrubbing, or through chemical means, such as bleach or other disinfectants.

In many cases, physical and chemical methods may be used to achieve the desired level of cleanliness. Decontamination is often used in healthcare settings, where removing all traces of bacteria and other pathogens is crucial.

However, it is also important in other industries, such as food preparation and manufacturing. By ensuring that all surfaces are free of contaminants, businesses can help to prevent the spread of illness and protect their employees and customers.

a person washing and cleaning medical equipment laid out in a cleaning tray

Dwell Time

The dwell time refers to the time a cleaning solution is in contact with surfaces before removing it. The longer the dwell time, the more effective the cleaning will be. This is because the cleaning solution will have more time to break down dirt and grime. However, other factors, such as temperature and humidity, also affect the dwell time considerably.

As a result, professional cleaners will often adjust their methods based on the specific circumstances of each job. By considering all of these factors, they can ensure that your premises are clean and presentable to the best possible degree.


One of the most critical aspects of commercial cleaning is sterilization. This term refers to removing all living organisms from a surface. To effectively sterilize an area, it is crucial to use the correct cleaners and follow all directions carefully.

For example, allowing the cleaner to dwell on the surface for the time specified in the directions is essential. By following this step, you can be sure that you have removed all harmful bacteria and viruses from the surface.

Commercial cleaning can be tricky to understand at first, but with this helpful guide, you should be able to decipher any common commercial cleaning term and be a commercial cleaning expert in no time. With this new understanding of commercial cleaning terms, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively with your commercial cleaners, ask the right questions, and get the results you desire for your business.

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