What to Do After a Break-in At Your Establishment and Premises

What to Do After a Break-in At Your Establishment and Premises

  • Call the police immediately upon discovering a break-in.
  • Document the damaged and stolen items and provide this information to the police and insurance company.
  • Notify your insurance company to make a claim and review any security policies.
  • Upgrade and review your security measures, such as window films, CCTV cameras, hiring security personnel, and changing locks.
  • Remain calm in the event of a break-in and take the necessary steps to protect your business or premises from future burglaries.

As a business owner or entrepreneur, having your establishment or premises broken into is a nightmare you never want to experience. It’s violating, traumatic, and downright expensive. No matter how many security measures you have put in place, break-ins can happen, and it’s essential to know what to do when they do. Here’s a brief look at what to do after a break-in at your premises.

Call the Police Immediately

The first thing you should do after discovering a break-in is to call the police. Inform them of the situation and give them all the details to assess it accurately. Don’t touch or move anything before the police arrive; you might tamper with evidence. Let them handle everything and provide them with any relevant information to help them catch the burglars.

Once the police arrive, they will take statements from any witnesses and dust for fingerprints. They might also set up a security system in your establishment or premises to help prevent future burglaries.

Document the Damage

After the police arrive, you should document everything and take photos of any damage the burglars may have caused. Take note of everything missing and estimate the value of stolen items. This documentation will come in handy while filing an insurance claim.

Make sure to keep a list of what was stolen and the damage that occurred during the breaking so that you can provide it to the police and insurance company.

Notify Your Insurance Company

a form for insurance claim

After documenting all the damaged and stolen items, you should notify your insurance company and provide them with all the necessary documents to support your claim. Most insurance companies have specific requirements when filing a claim, so read through your policy and follow all the procedures. This will ensure that your claim is processed quickly and smoothly.

Review Your Security Measures

After the break-in, reviewing your security measures and upgrading them where necessary is crucial. Consult a security expert who can help you identify security vulnerabilities and recommend practical solutions to help prevent future break-ins. You can also review your security policies and train your employees on what to do in case of a security breach.

How to Prevent Another Break-in

Preventing break-ins is the best way to protect your business or premises. The good news is that there are many measures you can take to protect your establishment or premises. Here are some ideas:

1. Invest in Security Window Films

Installing security window films is an effective way to enhance the safety of your business’s windows. These films are usually made of durable polyester material with protective properties. When burglarized, the security window films hold the broken glass together, making it difficult for intruders to enter.

This way, you can prevent break-ins and keep your business safe. Moreover, installing security window films in your establishment is reasonable compared to other security measures.

2. Install Security Cameras

A security camera system is another effective way of preventing a break-in at your establishment. Security cameras record activities in and around the business premises, deter potential burglars and provide real-time visuals of unwanted movement.

With technological advancements, remote access options allow you to view live CCTV footage from your phone or computer. This way, you always watch your business despite your location. Remember, when installing security cameras, strategically placed cameras can ensure maximum surveillance while keeping the intruder unaware.

3. Hire Security Personnel

two partners for security of an establishment

One sure way to protect your business from any security threat is to employ security personnel. Security personnel are trained to recognize suspicious behavior, monitor surveillance equipment, and promptly respond to any security breach. By hiring security personnel, you can improve the overall security of your establishment, even when you have closed up for the day.

4. Change Your Door and Window Locks

To secure your establishment from burglaries, you must ensure that your doors and windows have secure locks. Try to install high-quality locks that can resist any forced entry. Also, consider adding deadbolts, peepholes, or any other security measures that can enhance the security of your doors and windows. Changing your locks occasionally is also advisable to ensure that former employees or any third party don’t have unauthorized access.

Final Thoughts

Discovering a break-in at your establishment or premises can be a traumatic experience. However, it’s essential to remain calm and take the necessary steps to control the situation and prevent future break-ins. Take the steps outlined above to help protect your business and premises from burglars.

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