Make Your Law Practice Stand Out in 2021 through Digital Marketing

Make Your Law Practice Stand Out in 2021 through Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a pervasive influence in business, particularly in today’s world. For many years, businesses have used this new marketing discipline to market their products and services to their target markets. For a business to succeed or even have a fighting chance these days, it has to embrace digital marketing and incorporate it in its business model.

Lawyers, for example, can’t just rest on their laurels in hopes of keeping new clients walking into their offices and hiring them. As many of today’s potential clients research online for service providers (like lawyers) the same way they browse product catalogs, establishing an online presence and marketing one’s legal services through digital means are truly non-negotiable.

Here are some law firm marketing ideas using digital marketing that you should try out this 2021:

Do blogging

Whether it’s a dedicated blog on your law firm’s website or a guest blog on another website with a relevant niche, producing high-quality blog articles is an effective digital marketing technique you must explore. Google’s algorithm rewards websites that regularly produce high-caliber, original content by placing them on top of search engine results pages (SERPs), which is the first step towards online visibility.

Blogs, incidentally, are among the most effective types of content as they are primarily written to present a substantial discussion on niche topics such as legal. You can use this technique and have a dedicated page on your website or contact another blog site owner with a niche similar to yours and ask if you could guest blog. This latter is fairly common practice, so it’s something you should consider.

Establish your identity on social media

Almost every potential client of any law firm uses an electronic device and has at least one social media account. As such, be sure to focus a part of your marketing efforts on creating a social media profile and making your law firm’s identity known in them. Among the social media sites you should consider are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

You can personally manage these accounts if you have the time for it or simply leave all the hard work to a professional social media management team. You need to work with them to flesh out a strategy on how best to promote your law firm on social media, preferably by posting content relevant to the specific cases that you handle.

legal writing on paper

Maintain a serviceable, SEO-optimized website

It’s not enough that you have a website per se; you have to ensure that it is live on a 24/7 basis. It should also be optimized for SEO to make it rank high on SERPs and be visible to a wide audience, some of whom could be your next client.

You should hire a dedicated web development and management team to take care of this thing on your behalf. Your team should know essential web development tools such as computer programming languages Java (using PMAT for troubleshooting), Python, and C++, among others. Your website should be both SEO-optimized and serviceable so potential clients could view your services, learn more about your company, and contact you for queries.

Have an FAQ page

Google is aggressively pushing to transform from being a search engine into an answer engine. This means that moving forward from 2021, Google won’t be seen and behave as a place where people could type in queries but primarily get specific answers to specific queries in as plain a language as possible.

You can partly achieve that by dedicating a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page to your website. This page should have all the questions that are commonly asked by your clients or people who need legal advice on the cases that your law firm accepts. Of course, you should supply the answers to those questions in a language that is easily understood by laypeople.

Optimize for voice search

Voice search was initially predicted to comprise as much as 50% of all searches in 2020. By 2021 and beyond, this could only go higher as more and more internet users find voice search more convenient than the traditional search method of typing in search queries.

As such, be sure to communicate with your online marketing team how you can optimize your website or law office for voice search, especially through featured snippets targeted for “near me” searches.

With the digital marketing tricks, you can expect your law firm to be more accessible and attractive not only to search engines but more so for potential clients.

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