You want your employees to be productive as a business owner or entrepreneur. After all, that’s how you make money and achieve success. However, there’s a good chance you’ve also noticed something called “presenteeism” in your workplace.
Presenteeism is when employees come to work but cannot perform at their best due to illness, stress, or other issues. This can have a major impact on productivity and profits. Presenteeism costs businesses billions of dollars every year. So, what causes presenteeism? And more importantly, how can you deal with it? Let’s take a look.
Causes of Presenteeism
There are many different reasons why presenteeism might happen in your workplace. Here are five of the most common causes:
Employees Feel Obligated to Come to Work
In some workplaces, there is an unspoken expectation that employees will come to work no matter what. This can happen for several reasons, such as a fear of losing one’s job or being passed over for a promotion. As a result, employees may come to work even when they’re sick or otherwise not feeling their best.
You can deal with this in various ways. Here are some of them.
Make Them Feel Wanted
Your employees might feel that you’re more interested in their work than in them as people. As a result, they might come to work even when they’re not feeling well because they think that’s what you want them to do. You can remedy this by making an effort to connect with your employees on a personal level. Get to know them and let them get to know you.
Coaching and Feedback
Another way to make your employees feel wanted is to provide regular coaching and feedback. This lets them know you’re invested in their development and care about their success.
Poor Work-Life Balance
Another common cause of presenteeism is poor work-life balance. When employees feel they have to choose between their job and personal life, it can lead to all sorts of problems. For example, an employee might come into work even though they’re exhausted from taking care of their kids all night because they don’t want to leave them in daycare. There are various ways you can deal with this:
- Offer Flexible Hours
- Encourage employees to take vacation days
- Make it easier for employees to work from home
These simple options can help improve work-life balance and reduce presenteeism in your company.
Lack of Paid Time Off
Related to the previous point, employees might come to work even when they’re not feeling their best because they don’t have paid time off (PTO). In other words, they can’t afford to take a day off because they need the money. This is particularly common among low-wage workers. One of the best ways to deal with this is by adding PTO as a benefit for your employees. You can also increase their pay so they can afford to take a day off when they need it.
Oral Health Problems
Poor oral health can also lead to presenteeism. A study found that it’s responsible for 50% of presenteeism at work. Many employees think they can work with this kind of problem, not realizing that they can’t do their work properly with oral pains. Here are some ways you and your employees can deal with it.
Dental Procedures
Dental infections are among the most common forms of oral health problems that lead to presenteeism. Most employees who experience it tend to shrug off the pain without knowing it can affect their performance. One way to deal with this is through cosmetic dental procedures. A dental implant is a sure way to reduce infections. Additionally, it can help improve an individual’s confidence, making them feel better about themselves and their work.
Oral Health Awareness
Aside from dental procedures, you can also raise awareness about oral health in your workplace. This is especially important if employees risk presenteeism due to poor oral health. You can start by providing information about the importance of oral health and how it can impact overall wellness. You can also offer tips on how employees can improve their oral health.
Struggling With Mental Health Issues
Lastly, another common cause of presenteeism is mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. When employees struggle with mental health issues, it can be challenging to focus on work.
In fact, according to one study, mental health issues are responsible for nearly 60% of presenteeism cases. A support group can help employees who are struggling with mental health issues. You can also provide information about mental health resources, such as counselors and therapists.
As you can see, there are many different reasons why presenteeism might happen in your workplace. However, there are also ways that you can prevent it from happening or at least minimize its effects. You can create a healthier and more productive workplace by following the tips above.