The Body Never Lies: Nonverbal Communication at Work

The Body Never Lies: Nonverbal Communication at Work

Relationships, friendships, and partnerships are built toward many factors such as trust, understanding, and communication. Imagine attending a dancing competition and observing how the contestants perform breathtaking moves and sequences that were made to impress. They’re not just dancing, but also communicating to the audience about the story of their performance. The practice sessions and the blood and sweat put out just to tell a story: communicating by means other than words.

Communicating well means expressing your intentions with proper verbal and body language, essential traits people must possess in everyday life. We interact with others on a daily basis and whether we are aware of it or not, our nonverbal habits such as eye contact, voice tone, and body language are being observed. They send messages, especially to our colleagues at work.

In Work and Business

Understanding the importance of nonverbal communication and applying it in the business setting can bring many advantages. Managers and leaders, for example, use nonverbal means to lead employees and teams by the way they talk and their gestures. Employees then communicate with colleagues, competitors, and clients. Information can be sent out more accurately when voice and body are working in harmony.

Nonverbal communication is so important that companies have started conducting video conferences for meetings where personnel are working in far locations or other countries. Leaders may want to be collaborating with employees using software platforms and other means for clearer communication. They also observe nonverbal cues when presenting data or information. Collaborating using Lingo communication solutions and other technologies is possible in this digital age.

Why It Matters

Nonverbal means of communication elicit many feelings when conveying messages. A person who looks and sounds consistent indicates trust and credibility while another who displays shyness and hesitation may present himself as lacking confidence when engaging with clients and colleagues. This affects business processes and possible collaborations in projects.

Being consistent with verbal and nonverbal forms of communication can send the right messages to clients and give a more credible and trusting vibe that people can rely on. It also helps a business relationship flourish.

What to Look Out For

body language

The following types of nonverbal communication should be considered when talking to others, especially in a professional setting:

  • The human face is very expressive, especially in showing feelings such as joy, fear, disgust, anger, and sadness. Facial expressions are universal and are the same across many cultures.
  • People communicate nonverbally through body language. Observe the way you carry yourself, your posture, walk, and how you hold your head. Be mindful of your subtle movements and mannerisms that people might find offensive.
  • Gestures have become a part of our everyday lives, yet some gestures may be considered offensive to some cultures. Be aware of who you speak to and learn when to use the OK sign, which is offensive in Brazil, Germany, and Russia.
  • Eye contact is also very important as it signifies interest, attraction, hostility, or affection. It can also be observed to gauge another person’s interest and it helps in maintaining the flow of conversation.
  • Be mindful of personal space. Having a person talk to you an inch away would feel invasive and intrusive. Most people and cultures respect personal space, so be kind to afford others the same courtesy.

Nonverbal communication includes voice tone as well. Tone can reflect your emotions, such as when you’re angry, happy, or enthusiastic. How you deliver your words also have a bearing of how people perceive your mood and disposition. Also, remember to say it and not spray it.

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